01638 576940
07973 829898
Tarmac entrance way framed by walls and gates with new tarmac and chip driveway leading up to a refurbished garage.
Driveway resurface with a new patio, tiered retaining walls and patio steps.
New Patio and retaining garden walls
Entrance paving for Bedford School with Engraved patio stones
New patio with stone balustrading and stone faced patio steps down to the garden.
New Patio and steps and Block Paved Driveway leading to a new drive access and fencing.
New Patio with steps and coordinating walls and inset lighting scheme.
Covering Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Essex and Hertfordshire.
Office: 01638 576940
Mobile: 07973 829898
Email: info@melconservices.com
Melcon Services Limited
Glebe Farm
209 Fordham Road
Get a free quote call
01638 576940